Wood-cutting Wood


First released toy from the Unnatural nature series.

All handcrafted, painted.
Toy (including bottom base) / 80x120x100 (mm) / Resin
Package / 172x172x120 (mm) / Concrete and Wood

Postcard and Poster included.

20 limited.

* Package design could be changed because the weight of concrete package is too heavy for safe shipping.

* It's pre-order. It takes 1-2 weeks to be shipped.

Visit here for more photos.

Description for the character

/ There’s a place called Unnatural nature
where all things are unnatural.

A wood called “Wood-cutting Wood”
loves cutting woods.

He doesn’t know what he does,
why he does, and how many woods he’s cut.

He is a very skilled carpenter
and also an infamous serial killer for woods. /